1984 is about a parallel world 35 years into the future, in which all nations have been combined into three study countries: Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia. London still exists, only if it is now a leave of Oceania, governed by an entity called the company, headed by a dominant figure called wide chum salmon. The political partys one goal is berth; power over everybody and everything in Oceania. There is constant surveillance; devices called telescreens ar put in peoples homes to monitor thoughts, actions and broadcast company propaganda continuously, with no way for the person to turn it off or change the channel. Free thinkers ar not tolerated, and the Thought constabulary are sent to capture the culprits. The Party is developing an formalized language called Newspeak, whose goal is to simplify language by eliminating as many extra words as possible and decrease vocabulary to a small number of basic words, hence narrowing the range of thought. The protagonist of this story is Winston Smith, who works at the Ministry of Truth as a sort of professional report revisionist. His job is to rectify newspaper articles and documents in which Big Brother made predictions or statements that did not agree with the actual conclusion of events; in other words, to maintain the public illusion that the Party is perfect.

Unhappy with his state of being, Winston would like to overthrow the Party but is powerless to do so. So he teams up with his make out interest Julia who is another Party worker. He also collaborates with a high-ranking Party official named OBrien, who reveals himself as a secret member of a society called The Brotherhood who are planning to destroy the Party. OBrien gives Winston a book explaining the ideals and motivations of the Party: The upper classes (the highest Party members) need to retain their economic status. Therefore, it is grievous to control the minds and bodies of the lower classes, and wars are waged constantly only so that money will be spent on the production of... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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